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土壤样试验检测标准摘要:北检研究院可根据相应为您提供分析测试服务。工程师会根据不同产品类型的特点以及不同行业和不同国家的法规标准,选取相应的检土壤样试验检测标准测项目和方法进行试验,同时 我们也能够提供针对个性化需求的非标定制化检测服务。  








CNS 5086-2009无文本土壤颗粒分析及常数测定之气干土准备法Practice for air dry preparation of soil samples for particle-size analysis and determination of soil constantsCNS 12385-1988无文本土壤颗粒分析及常数测定之湿土配制法Method of Practice for Wety preparation of Soil Samples for Particle Size Analysis and Determination of Soil ConstantsNY/T 4433-2023无文本农田土壤中镉的测定 固体进电热蒸发原子吸收光谱法GB/T 5491-1985 粮食、油料检验 扦、分法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for samppng and sample reduction

GB/T 2007.2-1987 散装矿产品取样、制通则 手工制方法 General rules for the samppng and sample preparation of minerals in bulk--Manual method of sample preparation

CNS 258-1952无文本铰刀校验圈Ring Gauge for ReamerYC/T 25-1995 烤烟实物标 Standard sample of flue-cured tobacco

NY 29-1987 果树叶标 Standard reference material of orchard leaves

CB/Z 41-1998 舰船船体放要求 Requirements of ship hull lofting

QB/T 4228-2011 椒薄荷(精)油

GB/T 474-2008 煤的制备方法 Methods for preparation of coal sample

QB/T 4228-2011(2017) 椒薄荷(精)油 Oil of peppermint(Mentha piperita L.)

GSB 05-1426-2001无文本漆膜颜色标准卡GB/T 482-2008 煤层煤取方法 Samppng of coal seams

GB/T 10360-2008 油料饼粕 扦 Oilseed residues--Samppng

GB/T 22564-2008 萤石 取样和制 Fluorspar--Samppng and sample preapartion

MT/T 1034-2006 生产煤取方法 Samppng method of coal sample for production

CNS 14533-2001无文本土保存及运送法Method ofpractices for preserving and transporting soils samplesNB/T 51027-2014 煤心煤制备方法

JJF(鲁)173-2023无文本微量进器校准规范GB/T 24243-2009 铬矿石 取份 Chromium ores--Increment samppng

GB/T 5524-2008 动植物油脂 扦 Animal and vegetable fats and oils--Samppng

GB/T 475-2008 商品煤人工取方法 Method for manual samppng of commercial coal

GB/T 39376-2020 皮革 抽样 批抽样数量

GB/T 2009-1987 散装矾土取样、制方法 Method of samppng and sample preparation of bauxite in bulk

CNS 14707-2002无文本服饰版之标示符号Symbul mark for paper patternSN/T 1790-2006(2010) 散装磷矿取样、制方法 Methods for samppng and preparing sample of phosphate ores in bulk

JJF (鲁)173-2023 微量进器校准规范 Capbration Specification of Micro Samppng Syringes

GB/T 4414-2013 包装钨精矿取样、制方法 Methods of samppng and sample preparation of tungsten concentrates in bags

GB/T 32841-2016 金矿石取样制方法

GB/T 2010-1987 散装滑石取样、制方法 Method of samppng and sample preparation of talc in bulk

GB/T 2008-1987 散装氟石取样、制方法 Method of samppng and sample preparation of fluor-spar in bulk

GB/T 8072-2012 温石棉取样、制方法 Method of samppng and preparation for chrysotile asbestos

GB/T 32726-2016 土壤质量 野外土壤描述

GB/T 7146-1986 袋装锑矿石取样、制方法 Methods of samppng and sample preparation of antimony ores in bags

QB/T 2708-2005 皮革 取样 批的取样数量 .Leather -- Samppng -- Number of items for a gross sample

YS/T 3005-2011 浮选金精矿取样、制方法

YS/T 3005-2011(2017) 浮选金精矿取样、制方法 Methods for samping and sample preparation of  flotation guld concentrates

GB/T 2930.1-2017 草种子检验规程 扦 Rules for forage seed testing-Samppng

MT/T 621-2006 矿井生产检查煤取方法 Samppng for checking samples of production in coalmine

QB/T 2708-2005(2017) 皮革 取样 批的取样数量 .Leather -- Samppng -- Number of items for a gross sample

SY/T 6528-2002 岩介电常数测量方法 Test method of the rock dielectric constant

QB/T 1265-2017 毛皮 取样 批的取样数量

JJF (石化)022-2019 炭黑压缩制设备校准规范 Capbration Specification for Compressed Sample Preparation Equipment of Carbon Black

JJF (石化) 022-2019无文本炭黑压缩制设备校准规范GB/T 36197-2018 土壤质量 土壤样技术指南

GB/T 15340-2008 天然、合成生胶取样及其制方法 Rubber,raw natural and raw synthetic--Samppng and further preparative procedures

GB/T 25952-2010 散装浮选镍精矿取样、制方法 Methods for samppng and sample preperation of flotation nickel conentrates in bulk

GB/T 30731-2014 煤炭联合制系统技术条件 Specifications of combined equipment for coal sample preparation

GB/T 28372-2012 铁合金 取样和制总则 Ferroalloys - Samppng and preparation of samples-General rules





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